Helping Heart Families Be Mighty
The oak tree's ability to withstand strong storms has earned it the title of the Mighty Oak.
In many cultures, the oak tree is revered for its strength and stability. The Celts believe oaks are a reminder that humankind has the ability to overcome all odds as well as have a tremendous capacity for kindness, even to strangers. And trees like to stand close together to help each other. When one tree is weak, it leans on another for support.
Becky and Greg Ortyl have a deep understanding of just how important this support is. They founded the Mighty Oakes Heart Foundation in memory of their baby boy, Oakes, who was born with a congenital heart defect. With an inspiring will to live, he left a lasting imprint on all our hearts and shined a light on just how much we need each other. Together, we are stronger.
Rooted in empathy and compassion, the Mighty Oakes Heart Foundation offers comfort and strength to heart families everywhere.
Through personalized financial and emotional support, we help families be a steady healing and loving presence for their child with a congenital heart defect. By taking care of rent, mortgage, utilities or other issues weighing on families, we ease some of their stress and free them to be fully present with their child.
As a small "boutique" organization, we bring a warm, personal approach to every family we help. We go beyond just sending a check or paying a bill. Our mission also includes providing emotional support. Because we've been there and understand the difficult journey families endure.
With Oakes guiding our hearts, we develop personal relationships with the families we help. And we know hugs and thoughtful gestures are just as important as checks.
So our families may receive a balloon delivery to celebrate a birthday or milestone. Or a special note in the mail. Or a call to offer love and support. These are the magical, mighty moments that fuel our mission. We share our strength and encourage heart families to lean on us throughout their journey.
Photograph courtesy of Joan Fisher, The Scout Guide
Oakes’ Story:
The Heart Behind Our Foundation
Mighty Oakes Heart Foundation is founded with heart.
Four months before Oakes Ortyl was born, his parents, Becky and Greg, learned their baby boy had a congenital heart defect called truncus arteriosus, a defect in which the heart develops without a pulmonary artery. Instead, a large "trunk" artery exists taking blood from the heart to the lungs. Oakes also had a hole between the right and left ventricles of the heart.
With close monitoring, Oakes was born full-term March 10, 2011. Within minutes of his birth, he was whisked away to St. Louis Children's Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Doctors quickly discovered another defect in his trachea, which reduced his airway passage and made it difficult for Oakes to breathe.
Oakes required highly specialized care and surgery to fix these heart defects. Eleven days after he was born, he had his first surgery. Yet more struggles, surgeries and procedures were to come.
A few weeks after Oakes finally came home, doctors discovered a severe narrowing of his arteries between his new pulmonary artery and lungs. This meant he needed a double lung transplant. Incredibly, the Ortyl family only had to wait days for new lungs for Oakes.
On July 22, 2011, Oakes received a double lung transplant. His second chance at life had come from another baby who gave the ultimate gift of life. Oakes seemed to know this and he drew on this strength with a passionate, determined will to live.
Before he was even 5 months old, he had two open-heart surgeries, three catheterizations, chemotherapy, a double lung transplant and several other procedures. Throughout his life, he made miraculous recoveries from conditions he was not expected to survive. Yet he lived with gusto, enjoying his favorite apple sauce, wiggling to music, and sharing his charming smiles with his family and nurses.
Becky and Greg spent countless hours by Oakes' bedside in the hospital, while family and friends cared for their 2-year-old daughter, Isla. The stress and challenges were immense. But the Ortyls hung on to hope.
They endured a roller coaster of emotions that goes along with having a child with a congenital heart defect. Uncertainty, hope, fear, happiness, devastation, exhilaration ... and repeat. Their experience gave them a unique understanding of the emotional and financial struggle families face as they leave jobs and families to be by their child's side.
Throughout Oakes' journey, friends, family and even strangers uplifted the Ortyl family with cards, letters and gifts. One special note called Oakes "mighty" and the name stuck. Mighty Oakes' story touched people's hearts around the globe and inspired the founding of Mighty Oakes Heart Foundation to support other families coping with the traumatic reality of congenital heart defects.
Oakes was able to spend just 18 days at home during his lifetime and passed away peacefully at 15 months old. But he taught us that strength comes in small packages. He taught us that love and hope are the best medicine and that every day is precious. He taught us to love and take care of each other. And he taught us to always BE MIGHTY!

“They made me feel mightier by lending their strength. It's not just about money. They truly understand and listen because they've been there. They make you feel like part of a family.”
— Angie Wright, mom of Devin